
The Narrow Way: A Journey of Faith and Endurance – Psalm 137

By the Rivers of Babylon: A Reflection on Psalm 137

“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.” (Psalm 137:1)

Life as a believer is often filled with seasons of longing, trial, and perseverance. Psalm 137 captures the heartache of God’s people as they remember their home while living in exile. This passage serves as a powerful reminder of the cost of faithfulness and the weight of walking the narrow way.

The Struggle of the Narrow Way

Jesus spoke of the narrow way as the path that leads to life, but few find it (Matthew 7:13-14). Like the exiled Israelites who longed for Zion, we too experience moments of struggle, where the world demands our compromise. The enemy mocks, asking us to sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land, but the faithful know that their true home is not of this world.

Psalm 137 challenges us to remain steadfast in our devotion, even when surrounded by opposition. It urges us to remember our spiritual Zion—our calling in Christ—and to never let the pressures of life cause us to forget the promises of God.

Keeping Our Eyes on the Kingdom

Just as the Israelites clung to the memory of Zion, believers must keep their hearts anchored in the hope of God’s kingdom. The journey of faith requires endurance. We may feel as if we are in exile, living in a world that does not understand our devotion, but the narrow way is not about ease—it is about faithfulness.

  • Resist Compromise – Do not let the world’s ways dictate your worship.
  • Remember Your First Love – Keep your heart aligned with God’s truth.
  • Remain Steadfast – Trust that God is leading you home, even when the path is difficult.

A Call to Perseverance on The Narrow Way

Psalm 137 ends with a cry for justice—a longing for restoration. As we walk the narrow way, we too look forward to the day when God makes all things right. Until then, we persevere, trusting in His timing and sovereignty.

Let us walk the narrow way with unwavering faith, knowing that our true home is with Christ, and that every trial we face draws us closer to Him.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.” (Jeremiah 17:7)

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